Where it all began, and how I got here now.
I grew up in a very small town in Wisconsin with 5 siblings. We had a classic midwestern childhood, our house was hectic at times but we always had what we needed to be happy and healthy. My dad raised us after my mother died and he taught me about financial literacy at a very young age.
Finance has been a passion of mine since I was 8 years old. That was the year my dad walked me into our local credit union in Wisconsin to invest in my first mutual fund. I'll never forget that feeling of opening my first account, and watching my money grow through the months, and-eventually- the years.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but that moment changed my life. It kick-started a desire to know everything I could about money, savings, budgeting, retirement, and financial planning. Because even then, at a young age, I wanted to retire early and travel while owning my own businesses.
Right after I turned 16, a father of one of my soccer teammates asked my dad if I would help a small business that was struggling with their accounting books. I clearly didn’t have any accounting experience, but I was able to come in and help them clean up their accounting books and report taxes accurately to the IRS.
It was a win-win. They were so grateful that I was able to help them save so much money in taxes. And I was happy, because I not only helped them, but I also learned the importance of finance and accounting when you are a small business owner or entrepreneur, as well.
Fast forward to now:
I’m a Finance Executive at one of the fastest growing tech companies in the US. At the age of 34 I was listed as a Top 100 Revenue Operations leader by Morden Sale. Last year, I was invited to join Cheif, an exclusive Women’s executive network designed to connect and support women executive leaders.
In 2021 my wife and I opened our passion project in Northern Nicaragua, Still Salty Escape, which is a yoga retreat center designed to help people unplug to recharge through nature, movement, and community. We dedicate our time there to creating an environment for people to experience a different way of living, and also to give back to our local community through food and educational programs.
I’ve been interviewed many times on the topics of leadership, equality, and financial health .
My financial success has come from very simple strategies that anyone can apply, and I will teach you how I’ve achieved a multi-million dollar net worth. From leveraging your 401k, Roth IRA, real estate for cash flow, simple budgeting practices, and more.
Throughout my life, I’ve noticed most people are nervous talking about money. They’re afraid of it. They are working for money, not letting money work for them. People are confused on how the financial system works, and how to invest without losing their hard earned money.
Most people don’t realize how much money they actually need to retire in their 60’s. Most people think that $1 million dollars is a lot of money. But to retire today we’re talking about SEVERAL million dollars to live comfortably when you take into account inflation and rising housing costs.
For the last 15 years my friends and family have come to me for advice on budgeting, saving month to month, retirement plans, investing strategies, interview best practices, hiring tips, and more.
I’ve always been driven to help my friends and family because I truly want to see them succeed, and to not have to worry about money ever again. I want them to be able to retire at a reasonable age, and to have the type of relief you can feel when you’re confident about your finances.
This is why I started Finance with Alix. I am passionate about helping people achieve financial freedom, and I believe my strategies will help more people achieve this goal.
I believe everyone deserves to have financial freedom. Which, to me, means that you have the cash, savings, and investments that you need to live the kind of life you really want to live without stress. And, I can design a personalized plan to help get you there.
I’ve had a lot of “holy shit” moments on my journey of becoming financially free. I’m here to share my lessons so that you can not only avoid mistakes I’ve made, but also so that you can learn from my best practices, as well. These insights will support your pursuit of financial freedom, and winning the job of your dreams.
I will be releasing trainings, templates, blogs, and more to help give you the tools you need to be empowered.
This blog will cover retirement, savings, real estate. tax strategies, financial freedom, hiring, LinkedIn, and more.
To get access to my webinars and courses, be sure to sign up for my newsletter - here.
I’m looking forward to sharing what I know with all of you.